U.S. CyberCommand Lists Technical Challenge Areas
July 17, 2019
Posted by George I. Seffers
Officials believe no solutions currently exist.
The U.S.Cyber Command has released a list of 39 challenge problems fitting under 12categories: vulnerabilities, malware, analytics, implant, situationalawareness, capability development, persona, hunt, mission management, attack,security and blockchain.
The document was released by the CyberCommand deputy director for technology, Berl “Mike” Thomas. “These TechnicalChallenge Problems are not requirements for which we anticipate solutions existtoday. Rather, they are significant challenges which will require developers touse existing capabilities in novel ways, add new features, innovate, or drivenew research,” the document says.
Among otherchallenges, Cyber Command says it needs a to patch vulnerabilities morequickly, rapidly reverse engineer malware, conduct open source research onmalware, improve reporting on network activities, acquire effective automationand analytics, build and train machine learning models to help detect and countermalware infections, augment the cyber workforce with artificial intelligence,rapidly prototype solutions, recognize adversarial use of false personas,automate mission risk management, leverage commercial cloud solutions toconduct attacks, and conduct open source research to develop prototypes capableof countering adversarial use of cryptocurrency and cryptocurrency mining.
The fulldocument can be found here.
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