



  • 通过分享对手网络行为体的见解,特别是关于意图干预的指标,为确保 2020 年选举的全政府方法做出了贡献。

  • 通过提供网络威胁情报、网络安全评估和基础网络安全指导来支持”扭曲速度行动”。

  • 自NSA成立以来,我们提供了 30 种独特、及时且可操作的网络安全产品,与美国政府的合作伙伴和五眼合作伙伴合作,共享相关信息,以确保客户网络的安全。

  • 支持 DOD 向远程办公过渡,发布书面产品并提供保密功能的商业解决方案使大约 100,000 名用户能够安全地远程办公的包。

  • 通过我们的网络安全协作中心和网络安全标准中心,加强公私伙伴关系。

  • 通过我们的 Twitter 帐户直接与网络安全社区沟通,@NSAcyber。

有关这些和更多详情,请阅读我们全面的 2020 NSA 网络安全年度报告。

我们为 2020 年的工作感到自豪,并期待与网络安全社区合作,推动 2021 年及以后的成果。

NSA Cybersecurity 2020 Year in Review

Last year marked the NSA Cybersecurity Directorate”s first full year since its establishment, and today we are releasing our 2020 NSA Cybersecurity Year in Review. This document details how NSA worked to prevent and eradicate cyber threats to our nation”s most sensitive systems and critical infrastructure. Our cybersecurity mission integrated threat intelligence, vulnerability analysis, cryptographic knowledge, defense operations and diverse technical expertise to secure the nation.

This product is a testament to skill, dedication, and resilience of NSA”s people – and our partners across the public and private sectors who worked together throught the year to defend the United States in cyberspace.

Here are just a few of NSA Cybersecurity”s accomplishments from last year:

  • Contributed to the whole-of-government approach securing the 2020 election by sharing insights on adversary cyber actors and activates, particularly regarding indicators of intent to interfere.

  • Supported Operation Warp Speed by providing cyber threat intelligence, cybersecurity assessments, and foundational cybersecurity guidance.

  • Provided 30 unique, timely and actionable cybersecurity products since the directorate’s standup, working with our partners across the U.S. Government and Five Eyes partners to share relevant information to secure our customer’s networks.

  • Supported the DoD’s transition to telework, releasing written products and providing Commercial Solutions for Classified Capability packages to enable approximately 100,000 users to telework securely.

  • Strengthened public-private partnerships through our Cybersecurity Collaboration Center and Center for Cybersecurity Standards.

  • Communicated directly with the cybersecurity community through our Twitter account, @NSAcyber.

For further details about these and more, read our comprehensive 2020 NSA Cybersecurity Year in review.

We’re proud of our work in 2020 and look forward to partnering with the cybersecurity community to drive outcomes in 2021 and beyond.

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